
The role of modern poultry integration is constantly evolving. Therefore, we constantly review and upgrade the veterinary services offered, in order to meet the needs of our clients. We promote evidence based decision making when dealing with poultry health and production issues. If defining the best farming management policy is essential then establishing an education and training plan is as important. We identify Training Needs in your organisation and tailor programmes to bridge this information gap. We establish documented training programs and advise on the management of all aspects of integration.
Reviewing key performance indicators on regular basis is fundamental to achieving sustainable goals. XPERIAL offer a monitoring and coaching service for companies who require external support.
XPERIAL International Veterinary team can help you to access optimum farm efficiency through criteria such as:
- Education plan, training and monitoring
- Antibiotics usage analysis
- Hatchery operations/hygiene analysis
- Nutrition and improving feed conversion
- House environment and biosecurity audits
- Flock health – prevention of disease, vaccination programs, rapid disease diagnosis and treatment
- Welfare advise allowing normal patterns of behavior
- Establish best farming practises
- Processing audit
- Breeder farm audits